State of Palestine

A vibrant and diverse community.

Experience Palestine

Land of ancient history, vibrant culture, and enduring resilience; Palestine’s struggle for sovereignty echoes through its people’s steadfastness.

City Council
Licenses & Permits
Covid-19 Resources

Services and Resources

Online Payments
Parks and Recreation
Documents & Forms
Report A Concern
Licenses & Permits

About the City

Jerusalem, a city steeped in history and spirituality, serves as a nexus of three major religions. Its ancient walls enclose a mosaic of cultures, traditions, and timeless stories, beckoning visitors worldwide.

Business and Investment

In the dynamic realm of business and investment, strategic decisions shape fortunes. Entrepreneurs navigate risks, leveraging innovation and market insights. Markets fluctuate, demanding astute analysis and adaptable strategies. Success hinges on foresight, resilience, and seizing opportunities amid uncertainty.

Upcoming Events

Music in the Park

March 14, 2023

2:00 pm – 8:00 pm
National Music Gallery

Yoga Retreat & Pilates

March 16, 2023

9:00 am – 11:00 am
Divi Park

Cultural Celebration

March 18, 2023

10:00 am – 5:00 pm
SC Museum


Land Area

Year Founded


Connecting With Your City Government

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Blog Post

Reaching New Heights with B2B Sales

Reaching New Heights with B2B Sales

Introduction to Reaching New Heights with B2B Sales Are you a newcomer to the world of B2B sales and want to learn how to reach new heights? Then you've come to the right place! In this article, we will discuss the fundamentals of B2B sales and how to leverage them to...

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Global Markets: Unfathomable Opportunities

Global Markets: Unfathomable Opportunities

Introduction to Global Markets: Unfathomable Opportunities Global markets offer tremendous opportunities for those who understand them and know how to navigate them. From stocks and bonds to Forex and commodities, there is a wealth of opportunities for those who can...

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Maximizing Your Trade Show Success

Maximizing Your Trade Show Success

Maximizing Your Trade Show Success Are you looking to maximize your trade show success? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Trade shows are an excellent way to showcase your products and services, and with the right strategy, you can maximize your return on...

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